The Design Process
We understand that designing and building your own home is very important to you and it’s a huge investment of time and money. Sometimes you might need some help during the design process to check things are on budget or get advice on which direction to head in order to make the best decisions.
We are more than happy to chat, so please feel free to get in touch early. We have a wealth of experience we’re eager to share.
Pricing and Selections
Depending on how much work has been done to get to this point, there may be selections for fixtures, finishes and materials, still to be made. We can help if needed to finalise these with our valued suppliers, so that an overall building cost can be determined from the drawings, documents and selections.
There are a number of different contract options and we are happy to work with you to decide on the best for each individual project. This may depend on whether your Architect or Designer is helping during the build or not. We are happy to work with them, or with you directly if you would prefer.
By far the largest component of our work is scheduling the build, from the first site fence going up, to the final paint brush of paint and everything in between. If trades, suppliers and contractors don’t know exactly when and what they’re doing, the build will take longer and your expectations of time, cost and quality will not be met.
It’ our job to think 10 steps ahead on every detail and plan accordingly.
You often hear of terrible stories about builders, and the reason for this is almost always a lack of communication.
It is critical for us to work with you (and your architect or designer) as a team, so that we can build your dream home and live up to everyone’s expectations – especially our own (my wife’s an architect – with very high expectations)!
Of course, at the end of the day, we’re your builders and we, along with our team of professional and extremely capable trades, suppliers and consultants, will build your project and meet your time, cost and quality expectations.
Why? Because we love what we do and want to work with like-minded people!